According to the UN, the extent of the threats posed by marine pollution, plastics and the contaminants they release, and their impacts on marine biodiversity in particular, are not sufficiently known.
Further research is needed and is essential for the effective management of human activities affecting the marine environment and biodiversity.
KRESK4OCEANS wishes to contribute to a better understanding of the impact of pollution and contaminants on marine biodiversity by developing projects using sailing ships, real floating laboratories, more agile and allowing access to poorly known areas.
KRESK4OCEANS supports and implements innovative scientific expeditions aiming to better understand the impact of contaminants on marine biodiversity.
KRESK4OCEANS wishes to pay particular attention to the consequences of bioccumulation on endocrine systems by studying the presence of endocrine disruptors and their impacts on marine biodiversity.
Racing boats reach areas of the ocean that are poorly served by shipping traffic and scientists lack data mainly to the north and south of the Globe.
The trimaran supported by the KRESK Group will collect data on the health of the ocean during circumnavigations via the South Pole.
An expedition to the Mediterranean coastline to assess the pollution of the seabed and to report on the most effective pollution control systems.
A scientific expedition to understand the impact of plastic pollution on marine biodiversity.An unprecedented 3-year program launched by KRESK 4 OCEANS and an unprecedented scientific protocol led by Expedition Septième Continent and CNRS. The originality of this project is based on a multidisciplinary study carried out in a natural environment.
Foundation under the aegis of the United Nations whose mission is to bring together and popularise all international ocean science to make it accessible to politicians so that they can take decisions.
IPOS will be officially launched at the United Nations Conference in Nice in June 2025.