The ocean covers 70% of the planet's surface. It is a wonderful space of freedom and escape, but above all it is a major player in the regulation of our planet. However, the latest international reports (IPCC) draw up an alarming report on its state of health.
Faced with the urgency of the situation, the Kresk Group and its cosmetic brands (SVR, Lazartigue and FILLMED) wanted to get involved by creating the KRESK 4 OCEANS Endowment Fund. Our ambition: to contribute to the Decade of the Oceans launched by the United Nations for the period 2021-2030, by targeting challenge No. 1: to understand and combat marine pollution for a CLEAN OCEAN.
Pollution of all kinds invades the seabed, but the most worrying of all is pollution from plastic origin. Fragmented into micro-particles, it insinuates itself into all living organisms with real consequences on health. Protecting the sea from these microplastics is to protect humanity and the entire biodiversity of our planet.
To reduce marine pollution and in particular plastic pollution, KRESK 4 OCEANS targets 3 major issues :
More than 8 million tons of plastic are dumped into the oceans every year, that's 400 kg per second.
Our priority is to stem the flow of plastic to the ocean, by supporting innovative solutions from design to end-of-life.
*Source commission européenne
Even if no more plastic were to end-up in the ocean, the number of microplastics is expected to double by 2050*.
A better understanding of the impact of plastic and its contaminants on marine biodiversity is needed to better protect it in the future.
*WWF 2022
Our future depends on the health of the ocean.
If we want our actions to be sustainable, it is essential to educate people, and especially future generations, about new consumption patterns.
A bracelet 100% made in France made from raw and recycled materials;
A carbon disk made from the scraps of the SVR-LAZARTIGUE Trimaran and reworked with Karbon Creations
A cord created thanks to the recovery of recycled fishing nets by the Sauvage association.
Profits are fully donated to the endowment fund.
A scientific expedition to understand the impact of plastic pollution on marine biodiversity.
An unprecedented program, launched for 3 years, by KRESK 4 OCEANS and an unprecedented scientific protocol led by Expedition Septième Continent and CNRS. The originality of this project is based on a multi-disciplinary study carried out in a natural environment.
Didier Tabary, founder of the Kresk group, was awarded a prize by the Fondation de la Mer for his commitment to protecting the oceans through the Kresk 4 Oceans Fund. A scientist and a start-up were also honored at the event.
March 2023
September 2023
November 2023
An educational program created in partnership with the Fondation de la Mer and the French Ministry of Education to introduce students in cycles 2 and 3 (CP-6ème) to the challenges of protecting the ocean by following François Gabart and Tom Laperche throughout the year and particularly during the Jules Verne Trophy.
Program to recover and recycle waste collected at sea in collaboration with the fishing industry in France. It promotes the local circular economy throught an effective national system for managing marine waste and maintaining its traceability.
Foundation under the aegis of the United Nations whose mission is to bring together and popularise all international ocean science to make it accessible to politicians so that they can take decisions.
IPOS will be officially launched at the United Nations Conference in Nice in June 2025.