Kresk 4 Oceans supports Blue Odyssey South

 Blue Odyssey South Expedition 7th Continent's oceanographic schooner and semi-submersible vessel PLATYPUS CRAFT explores the seafloor to highlight both degraded and preserved environments with the goal of highlighting that humans can take concrete action to preserve the oceans


The objectives of the project

1- Map the sites of accumulation of waste along the coast

2- Better understand what our waste becomes along the coast

3- Identify the sources of pollution to eradicate them

4 - Study the feasibility of organizing depollution

KRESK 4 OCEANS souhaite contribuer à une meilleure compréhension de l’impact de la pollution et des contaminants sur la biodiversité marine en développant des projets utilisant des voiliers, véritables laboratoires flottants, plus agiles et permettant d’accéder à des zones mal connues.

Les voiliers comme laboratoires flottants